
Contact us, for a visit or for an internship, or to know more about our research. We are always glad to discuss science with visitors.



We are located at the chemistry department of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris, Ground floor E037, with labs in E042, E028.

Do not hesitate to come and visit us.

Public transports within Paris

Metro: line 7, station Place Monge — line 10, station Cardinal Lemoine — RER B, station Luxembourg
Bus: lines 21 and 27, stop Feuillantine — Line 38, stop Auguste Comte— lines 21, 27, 38, 82 and 85, stop Luxembourg — line 47, stops Place Monge or Cardinal Lemoine — line 84 and 89 : stop Place du Panthéon — line 86 and 87, stops Monge mutualité ou Maubert mutualité — line 89 : stop Lycée Henry IV — line 91, stops Port-Royal

From Paris airports

Paris is served by two airports, Charles de Gaulle-Roissy in the North, and Orly in the South of Paris. « Paris by train »: from Charles de Gaulle-Roissy take REB B to the station Luxembourg (about 50 minutes) — from Orly, first take « Orly val » to Antony and then RER B to Luxembourg
By bus: Orly bus takes you to Denfert-Rochereau, where you can switch for bus 38 or RER B (see above)

When in front 24 rue Lhomond, ring to have the door open. You will arrive in a large hall. Go along the bay windows on your left hand side. Towards the back, slightly to the right, an orange staircase to the chemistry department. Take it and the corridor on the left. Our offices are on the right in E037.