-May 2018: we welcome Dani Gobson as an invited professor
-June 2017: Installation of the IR-microscope!
-May 2017: we welcome Rachel Austin as an invited professor.
Students’ Awards
-ISABC 2017 (June): Emilie Mathieu was awarded the prize of the Inorganics best Poster Award at the International Symposium in Bioinorganic Chemistry 2017. Congratulation!
-Emilie Mathieu was awarded a fellowship for an international collaboration by the FrenchBIC.
-Sylvain Clède,
winner of the prize for the Best Student Poster at the 2012 SOLEIL
Users’ Meeting
-Sylvain Clède, winner of the Prix de thèse 2014 de la Division Chimie-Physique de la Société Chimique de France.