Permanent researchers

Clotilde Policar

Trained in organic, inorganic and physical chemistry, Clotilde Policar specialized in bio-inorganic chemistry. Professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure—Paris Sciences et Lettres, since 2008, she has set up a group in bioinorganic chemistry and inorganic biological and cellular chemistry that works on the study of inorganic compounds in biological environments.
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Nicolas Delsuc

Nicolas Delsuc has been trained in chemistry at Bordeaux University. During a PhD from 2004 to 2007 in supramolecular chemistry under the supervision of Dr. Ivan Huc, I worked on the development of proteomimetic structures using abiotic foldamers. I then obtained a fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) to join the group of Prof. Itaru Hamachi at Kyoto University where I worked on new peptidyl receptors for peptide recognition. In 2009, I came back to France as temporary lecturer (ATER) at the Laboratoire des Biomolécules (LBM, UMR 7203), where I worked with Prof. Philippe Karoyan to develop foldamers based on proline derivatives. I have been appointed as CNRS researcher in 2010 and joined the group of Clotilde Policar at the LBM. I first worked on the conjugation of bioactive molecules with peptide to enhance their penetration and bioavaibality as well on the development of multimodal metal-based probes. Now I want to combine peptide and metal ions to synergistically take advantages of the properties of both classes of molecules by developing new peptidyl metalloprobes and metallodrugs.
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nicolas.delsuc(at) / nicolas.delsuc(at)

Hélène Bertrand

Helene Bertrand is an associate professor at Sorbonne Université. Her main research activities concern the synthesis and evaluation of metal complexes for imaging and biological activities. She obtained her PhD in molecular chemistry at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (now Sorbonne Université) in 2008. Prior to joining the Laboratoire des Biomolécules as an assistant professor in 2011, she did her postdoctoral research studies at the School of Pharmacy (University College London, UK) and at Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie (IECB, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires, Bordeaux, France).
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Alice Balfourier

Alice Balfourier obtained her PhD at Université Paris Cité in 2019, working on the biodegradation of gold nanoparticles. After a post-doctoral position in Switerland (ETH Zurich and EMPA) when she worked on the biodistribution of iron-based nanoparticles, she joined the team in 2022 as assistant professor at the ENS. Her research focuses on the following of metal-based nanoparticles or molecules in biological medium, and particularly their imaging and follow-up. She is also interesting in measuring the cellular response to metal-containing chemical objects using omics technologies.
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Sophie Vriz

Trained in biochemistry and molecular genetics at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (now Sorbonne University), Sophie Vriz specialized in vertebrate development (frog, mouse, fish) and regeneration (mostly in fish). Professor at Université Paris-Cité (formerly at Paris Diderot) since 2002, she set up a group in developmental genetics interested in the cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling cell plasticity. Using pharmacological approaches and optogenetic tools, they characterized unsuspected roles for apoptosis and reactive oxygen species in the control of progenitor cell mobilization in different contexts (development, regeneration, diseases), and recently focused on the reciprocal control of redox signaling and morphogen signaling.
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Christine Rampon

Assistant professor in biology at Université Paris Cité since 2007, Christine Rampon worked on redox biology during developmental biology and regeneration. She obtained her PhD in cellular biology at Université Joseph Fourier (now Université Grenoble Alpes) in 2004, then she did her postdoctoral research studies at Cochin Institut. Prior to joining the Laboratoire des Biomolécules, she worked in the team of Pr. Sophie Vriz at the Collège de France.

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christine.rampon(at) / christine.rampon(at)

Michel Volovitch

Trained in biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology at ENS St Cloud (now ENS Lyon), Michel Volovitch specialized in the molecular mechanisms of viral and cellular proliferation before being interested in the role of homeoproteins in the development of the nervous system. More recently he became also interested in the redox control of the cellular traffic of signaling molecules during development and pathogenesis. He is now Professor Emeritus at Ecole Normale Supérieure.
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