
We are located in the department of chemistry at ENS that is a funding member of Paris Sciences et Lettres university. Our laboratories is the Laboratoire des BioMolécules that is funded by ENS-PSL, Sorbonne Université and CNRS through Institut de Chimie.
We are affiliated to the section 16 of the Comité National.
We are members and active members of the national network in bio-inorganic chemistry, FrenchBIC and of the international society in bioinorganic chemistry SBIC.

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Ecole doctorale 406 (C. Policar, N. Delsuc, H. Bertrand and A. Balfourier):
Ecole doctorale 515 (S. Vriz, C. Rampon and M. Volovitch):
Programme gradué de chimie de PSL:
Formation en chimie à l’ENS-PSL: